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By participating in The Lounge you acknowledge that:


  • The Lonely Diplomat (Phil McAuliffe) is not a licensed helping professional; and

  • these terms and conditions can be amended at any time by The Lonely Diplomat (Phil McAuliffe); and

  • by requesting access, you will also be made a subscriber to The Lonely Diplomat (if not already). You can opt out by notifying The Lonely Diplomat by email.

By participating in The Lounge, you agree to the following:

1. Respect people's privacy.

2. No work talk. Please keep examples general.


3. Kindness and empathy at all times. Unsure what this means? Filter your contributions through Socrates' triple filter:

  • Is it true?

  • Is it kind?

  • Is it necessary?

If what you're about to contribute doesn't pass through all of these filters, don't write it.


4. Feedback is good and encouraged.


5. It's OK to complain, but you get one opportunity. Once taken, you'll be challenged to act.


6. Any posts that do not meet these standards as deemed by the administrator will be edited or removed.

7. Comments may be used in promotional material by The Lonely Diplomat. If they are, they will be anonymised to prevent identification of the source.

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