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Be a connected diplomat

As a global loneliness thought leader,

Phil and his team are here to reconnect you to yourself

and to the world around you as you live your diplomatic life.

our connection services

let's inspire
connected diplomats

All humans deserve to feel authentically connected to themselves and the world around them.

Our services help you and the humans in your diplomatic workplaces, communities and audience feel connected.

They're worthy of that.

Our connection services are all delivered through our HUMANS:CONNECTING site.

keynotes and
speaking services

Phil serves, supports, challenges and inspires your audience on the topic of loneliness, social connection while living life - including the diplomatic life.


Have Phil speak in your workplace, at your conference, event or on an episode of your podcast.


You want the humans within your diplomatic workplace to thrive. You want your diplomatic workplace to be a space in which humans feel psychologically safe and able to contribute their skills, wisdom and expertise. 

We've heard you.


Phil is a global loneliness expert, thought leader and an affable and relatable speaker on loneliness.


He is available to speak to the media on issues relating to loneliness, connection and what it can mean to be a human living life (including the diplomatic life).

our connection products

a connected you
starts here

We have a range of products to help you feel more connected as you live your diplomatic life

You're worthy of that.


Read one, some or all of the 50+ articles written to support you through the challenges of living your diplomatic life.


Join Phil and his guests for some aural awesomeness designed to support you as you live your diplomatic life.


We most notice our loneliness during times of change.


We've created videos to give you some excellent ideas to inspire you so you can feel soul-nourishing connection during common times of change.


And change is a constant when you live the diplomatic life.

starter course

It's time to get your Connection Plan.


It's your plan to move through a loneliness experience whenever you feel it. You'll get back on your connection path quickly with your own guide.


Here's the place where you get to have Phil - a global loneliness expert and thought leader who's also lived the diplomatic life for over 20 years - in your corner as a mentor.

looking for connection and loneliness products and services for all humans?

We've got you.


Hello, I'm Phil McAuliffe and I'm the lonely diplomat.

the lonely diplomat is the place for you if you love what you do and you're proud of the contribution you make to your country and its relationship with the world.

While you're proud of what you do, you're tired of the ceaseless competition to get ahead. You're tired of the relentless demands that test your resilience. You've realised that you know many people but no one knows you. You've realised that beyond what you do for your work, you may not even know who you are.

You're in the right place to get the advice, support and encouragement you need to be awesomely and humanly you. 

Let's get you reconnected to yourself so you can be a happier human AND an amazing diplomat.

Phil McAuliffe - The Lonely Diplomat - Loneliness - Lonely - Diplomat - Diplomacy - Connection - Resilience - Competition
the lonely diplomat book

Using Phil's personal experience and the lonely diplomat's five central themes, Phil's book helps diplomats and those living the diplomatic life to put their awesome selves into the world.


Available at in paperback and e-book.

Phil McAuliffe - The Lonely Diplomat - loneliness - connection - diplomacy - diplomat - resilience - competition - mentor - mentoring - The Lonely Diplomat book - Amazon - Kindle

Phil is a global loneliness thought leader and an affable and relatable speaker on loneliness.


He is available to speak to the media on issues relating to loneliness, connection and what it can mean to be a human living the diplomatic life.

speaking events
August 2024
Australia - Friends for Good - loneliness - Phil McAuliffe - The Lonely Diplomat - Humans Connecting - human connection - speaker
Australia - loneliness - Phil McAuliffe - The Lonely Diplomat - Humans Connecting - human connection - speaker

Phil was part of a panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence for Social Connection: Navigating the Spectrum of Challenges and Opportunities at the Harnessing Technology to Increase Human Connection conference.

The conference was organised by Friends for Good as part of its Australian Loneliness Dialogue and was held during Australian Loneliness Awareness Week.


contact us

Thank you for contacting us.

We'll get back to you shortly.

(It may be the middle of the night for us!)

how Phil supports people
people just like you

I can attest to just how welcome, safe and seen Phil makes others feel. Phil has an incredible ability to pick up on what is being said (and sometimes more importantly, the things that are not being said) and ask just the right questions to challenge your thinking and lead you to discover and bring to light the important things that are lingering just outside your consciousness.


Phil's support and guidance has helped me discover a love for myself beyond what I thought was possible and in turn deepened my relationships with others. I would encourage anyone considering his services to get in contact with Phil and find out first hand how life changing working with him can be.

Received June 2022

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