Image: www.photox.com.au
we inspire
connected diplomats
All humans deserve to feel authentically connected to themselves and the world around them.
We've got a range of services so together, we can help you and the humans in your diplomatic workplaces, communities and audience feel connected.
They're worthy of that.
connection services
Phil serves, supports, challenges and inspires your audience on the topic of loneliness, social connection while living life.
Have Phil speak in your workplace, at your conference, event or on an episode of your podcast.
This service is provided through the HUMANS:CONNECTING site.
Phil is a global loneliness expert, thought leader and an affable and relatable speaker on loneliness.
He is available to speak to the media on issues relating to loneliness, connection and what it can mean to be a human living life (including the diplomatic life).
This service is administered through the HUMANS:CONNECTING site.
creating connected workplaces
You want the humans within your diplomatic workplace to thrive. You want your diplomatic workplace to be a space in which humans feel psychologically safe and able to contribute their skills, wisdom and expertise.
We've heard you.
creating connected workplaces informs and inspires your workplace to create an environment in which all humans feel seen, heard and that they belong. Humans feel happier in their workplaces, are more productive, resilient and are engaged.
creating connected workplaces starts and then leads conversations that connect the humans in your workplace.
This service is provided through the HUMANS:CONNECTING site.
Hello, I'm Phil McAuliffe and I'm The Lonely Diplomat.
The Lonely Diplomat is the place for you if you love what you do and you're proud of the contribution you make to your country and its relationship with the world.
While you're proud of what you do, you're tired of the ceaseless competition to get ahead. You're tired of the relentless demands that test your resilience. You've realised that you know many people but no one knows you. You've realised that beyond what you do for your work, you may not even know who you are.
You're in the right place to get the advice, support and encouragement you need to be awesomely and humanly you.
Let's get you reconnected to yourself so you can be a happier human AND an amazing diplomat.