Phil appeared as a loneliness expert in a story on SBS News talking about loneliness during Australia's Loneliness Awareness Week in August 2023.

Phil appeared as a loneliness expert in a story on SBS News podcast talking about loneliness during Australia's Loneliness Awareness Week in August 2023.

Phil appeared on Camilla Quintana's 'Empowered Expat Woman Podcast' to discuss how to cope with loneliness while living abroad.

Phil shared some of his story of loneliness and the wisdom he gained from it on SBS' Insight program on Tuesday 6 June 2023.

Phil's loneliness story and reasons for starting The Lonely Diplomat and The Loneliness Guy featured on the ABC Story Stream on Monday 6 February 2023

Phil and his work featured on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) News website on 12 January 2023

Phil participated on The Roundtable with other loneliness experts. The Roundtable is a show on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National every Sunday. Guests: Alana Officer, Head World Health Organisation Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing Unit Dr Michelle Lim, Clinical Psychologist, Chief Scientific Advisor, Ending Loneliness Together Phil McAuliffe, Creator, The Lonely Diplomat website

Listen to my chat with the amazing Amel Derragui from www.tandemnomads.com

Read 'For diplomats who feel uprooted: a website to call home' "Meet diplomacy’s new spokesperson, champion and interpreter, a k a the Lonely Diplomat."