On managing overwhelm
Be a connected diplomat
Photo: Michael White Photography
the lonely diplomat
No one else writes about the highs and lows of this diplomatic life from both the perspective of the posted diplomat AND the accompanying significant other like the lonely diplomat.
Read one, two - or binge them all - of the articles to be supported, challenged and inspired through Phil's lived experience, wisdom and insight.
They're all here for you as you live your diplomatic life and want to reconnect with yourself and the world around you.
You're not alone.
Why hit rock bottom?
On belonging
My resilience reset
Diplomats and Olympians
Change, diplomacy and you
Becoming a happy diplomat
7 tips for first postees
The Lonely Diplomat: Who gets lonelier: diplomat or spouse?
The Lonely Diplomat: a letter to myself about change
The Lonely Diplomat: on breaking up
The Lonely Diplomat: on bullying, harassment and discrimination in diplomacy
On anxiety and being a diplomat
The Lonely Diplomat: on competition
'What will people think?' must end
Find balance to avoid burnout
On leaving diplomacy
Thrive through your mid-life crisis
A clarion call to the leaders of diplomacy
'Big' vs. 'Little' resilience
Finding time for fitness
The stories we tell ourselves
Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
Stop glorifying exhaustion